Reconnected Marriage Partners | Communicate Effectively, Sexual Intimacy, Expectations, Quality Time, Resolving Conflicts

Are you feeling distant from your spouse while living under the same roof? Frustrated about the increasing misunderstandings or tension in your marriage? Do you have a longing desire to feel heard & understood but can’t seem to get through to your spouse? Wish you spent more time connecting with your spouse instead of engaging in arguments that drain your energy? If you can relate, you’re not alone. Building a thriving marriage in these modern times takes hard work. When you add the responsibilities and demands of a growing career, family life, and the other stressors & unexpected challenges that sometimes show up, it can seem almost impossible…but it doesn’t have to be! Hi, we are David and Ebun, son and daughter of the King, a married couple who are still best friends, and parents of three. After being married for over a decade —while also navigating 3 major family relocations, job losses, financial challenges & major health challenges along the way— we know first-hand some of the challenges couples face in our modern world. We know what it’s like to feel disconnected as a couple while juggling the demands of work, life, and parenthood because we’ve been there. We also know what it feels like to become more intentional in our marriage and achieve a deeper level of connection & intimacy in a long-term marital relationship. Yet, through it all, we’ve not only grown stronger as a couple but also as individuals. How did we get here? Get ready to find out because we can’t wait to share what we’ve learned, unlearned, relearned and continue to learn on this journey. Welcome to the Reconnected Marriage Partners Podcast! In this podcast, you will find practical strategies to help you improve communication with your spouse, express your needs clearly, resolve conflicts without fighting, and manage disagreements in more productive ways so you can deepen your connection & understanding of each other, work smarter as a team and feel valued in your relationship. You’ll discover actionable tips & simple systems to help you spend more quality time together while living in a busy & distracted world so you can continue to strengthen your bond, increase intimacy and stay connected over the years. You will also find life-changing biblical encouragement & inspiration on how to live more intentionally and rise up courageously in your life & marriage while keeping God at the Center. If you’re tired of growing apart and ready to grow closer as a couple while experiencing more peace, harmony & unity in your home, then you’ve come to the right place! We invite you to join us on this journey, get ready to be inspired and gain valuable marital tips along the way as you take the next courageous step in building the stronger marriage you truly desire! .....................………………………………………......................... ➡️ Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call! 📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, notifications about special offers & giveaways right in your inbox... ❓For other questions/inquiries: [Disclaimer: The content presented in this podcast is provided solely for educational purposes and should be considered as general information. It is not intended to serve as therapy, psychological advice or professional medical care. We strongly recommend consulting your physician or mental health provider for personalized advice, support, or treatment concerning your well-being. In the event of a crisis, please dial 911 for immediate assistance].

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Thursday Dec 07, 2023

Hi friend!
We know that building a stronger marriage while raising a family in modern times is not necessarily easy as you have other things begging for your attention. We also know your desire is to enjoy your marriage…even as parents. This is why we feel this is an important topic to discuss so you can start taking baby steps to improve your marriage and build that dream marriage you truly desire. So, in this episode, we will be talking about 3 excuses that could be preventing you from truly enjoying your marriage while raising your children so you can address them and take the next steps forward in your marital journey.
Ready to find out more?
Then, tune in to listen to find out more!
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Nov 30, 2023

Hi friend!
Living abroad and raising kids (especially when you live far away from your support system) can be so tough…we get it. But your marriage doesn't have to suffer in the process. There are some habits and hacks/tips that can help you as you navigate this life transition as a couple raising a family...even if you're living far away from family. You can find one of such hacks in this episode. So, if your desire is to have more focused time & connection with your spouse while raising a family abroad with little to no support/help, then you want to tune in to listen to this episode now :) 
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Nov 23, 2023

Hi friend!
With the world becoming more accessible, people have had reasons to migrate to a different state or country for various reasons, including a better life, and education, to mention a few. As a result of relocation, some spouses have had to be separated for a season, some for weeks, some for months, and some for years.
Some of you are in that situation or probably know someone in that situation. That is why we would be discussing how to stay connected in a long-distance relationship specifically marriage. So, if you're ready to grab some valuable marital tips and discover how to stay connected and grow together even if you’re currently living apart from each other, then tune in to listen to this episode to find out more!
And...even if this is not the case in your marriage, you may share this episode with another couple that is currently in this situation, and together let’s build stronger marriages no matter where we move!
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Hi friend,
The holiday season is fast approaching and travel plans are on the way. Is going on a big family vacation one of your plans before the end of the year? Or maybe no plans as of yet? Regardless of where you are, what is more important is to stay connected as a couple and family, especially in these modern times.
 This is why in this episode, we will be talking about our #1 favorite hack or way to connect as a couple & family in a busy modern world.
Ready? Set?
Alright, tune in to listen to find out more!
Related episodes:
EP 40 \\ DATE NIGHT REACTIVATION CHALLENGE WEEK 1: Want to Have More Couple Date Nights while Raising Your Kids with Limited Time? Try these 4 Hacks to Increase Your Chances of Success! (Part 1)
EP 41 \\ DATE NIGHT REACTIVATION CHALLENGE WEEK 2: Want to Have More Couple Date Nights while Raising Your Kids with Limited Time? Try Using this Simple System (Part 2)!
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

Hi friend,
In the absence of the “big” marital issues we come across in the media that sometimes result in divorce, we discovered 3 “easily overlooked” barriers to having a strong connection in marriage. We’ve been guilty of at least one of these barriers we are going to share, so if you find that you are guilty of one or more of these, don’t let that discourage you. Be willing to take steps forward so you can enjoy a more exciting & satisfying marriage.
So, if you’re ready to discover & crush these 3 “easily overlooked” barriers that could be holding you back from having the strong connection you truly desire in your marriage, then tune in to listen to this episode.
Related episodes:
EP 35 \\ Raising a family with limited time? Strengthen your marriage by adding THIS KEY INGREDIENT...even as busy parents!
EP 43 \\ No Time for “Me Time”? Why You Need to Create a Simple Self-Care Routine Even if You’re Married with Kids (& How to Make Time for Self-Care)!
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Nov 02, 2023

Hi friend!
“What do you think about vasectomy?” This was a question posted in some WhatsApp groups some months ago and guess what…the responses were very few. Alright, that aside…In case this is your first time hearing about vasectomy or you’ve been wondering what vasectomy is really all about, you may find out that you are not alone. No matter which group you find yourself in, get ready to have most of your questions answered. This is why we have a Special Guest today on the show to answer some questions about vasectomy, a method of contraception that is not often discussed in marriages. He will be shedding more light on this topic so you can be aware of another option available in family planning.
So, whether you are wondering about the length of time it takes to carry out the vasectomy procedure or the safety of this procedure or you have other lingering questions about this topic, tune in to listen to this enlightening and educative episode.
Our Special Guest is Dr. Adam Mildenberger. He is a Family Practice Physician with anesthesia training currently based in Peace River, Alberta.
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Oct 26, 2023

Hi friend!
One way to connect with your spouse is by being honest with them about how you’re feeling and how you’re really doing. This could begin with answering one question. So, as you tune in to listen to this episode, I want to encourage you to ask your spouse this ONE question today (and actually mean it) because this question may go a very long way to make a difference in your marriage…and deepen your connection.
Want to know more?
Then, tune in to listen to find out more!
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Oct 19, 2023

Hi friend,
Today, we continue our conversation from last week on the following topic: Prioritizing our mental health and offering support to spouses in marriage.
Our Special Guest, Dr. Adeola will continue to take us on a journey as she addresses some other areas as it relates to mental health: Some signs and symptoms to look out for, when to seek help and more!
So, stay tuned and get ready to be enlightened as we continue this interesting conversation from last week!
You can connect with Dr. Adeola Adeyemi on:
Facebook: Talk Mental Health
Linked In: Talk Mental Health
You can also find her on YouTube and Tiktok. 
You can order a copy of her book, "YOU DESERVE BLISS: Your Self-care Guide to Everyday Fulfilment." on Amazon or on her website:
[Disclaimer: The content presented in this podcast is provided solely for educational purposes and should be considered as general information. It is not intended to serve as therapy, psychological advice or professional medical care. We strongly recommend consulting your physician or mental health provider for personalized advice, support, or treatment concerning your well-being. In the event of a crisis, please dial 911 for immediate assistance].    
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Oct 12, 2023

Hi friend!
Today, we will be digging deep into an important topic that affects us all as well as our marriages, families, communities and the whole world - Mental Health. We cannot ignore the importance and role of our mental health and well-being in our daily lives and functioning. In this episode, we will be listening to Part 1 of a two-part interview as we discuss the following topic: Prioritizing our mental health and offering support to spouses in marriage.
During this interesting and insightful interview, our Special Guest will be taking us on a journey as she addresses some of the following areas as it relates to mental health: Understanding what mental health really entails, prioritizing our mental health, self-care, and support for spouses/partners, seeking help and more!
Our Special Guest is Dr. Adeola Adeyemi and we are pleased to have her on the show.
Dr. Adeola is a Consultant Psychiatrist, a Psychotherapist experienced in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness Training, and a Mental Fitness Coach.
With over 22 years in the medical field, Dr. Adeola is driven by a vision to help build a society where mental health is normalized and emotional well-being is prioritized. This passion led her to start her company ‘Talk Mental Health’ in 2018, an organization that aims to help individuals, especially women, live healthier and more fulfilling lives through innovative mental health interventions. 
Dr. Adeola is also the author of the book, "YOU DESERVE BLISS: Your Self-care Guide to Everyday Fulfilment."
So, Stay tuned and get ready to be enlightened as we delve into the topic of discussion for today: Prioritizing your Mental Health and Support for Spouses.
You can connect with Dr. Adeola Adeyemi on:
Facebook: Talk Mental Health
Linked In: Talk Mental Health
You can also find her on YouTube and Tiktok. 
You can order a copy of her book, "YOU DESERVE BLISS: Your Self-care Guide to Everyday Fulfilment." on Amazon or on her website:
[Disclaimer: The content presented in this podcast is provided solely for educational purposes and should be considered as general information. It is not intended to serve as therapy, psychological advice or professional medical care. We strongly recommend consulting your physician or mental health provider for personalized advice, support, or treatment concerning your well-being. In the event of a crisis, please dial 911 for immediate assistance].    
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

Thursday Oct 05, 2023

Hi friend!
Some persons get into marriage with certain expectations and because these expectations do not hold true, they bring about frustrations. This can impact a marriage negatively if not addressed. In this episode, you will discover 5 marriage myths that could hurt the relationship between spouses if these beliefs continue to be embraced.
Want to know more? Then, tune in to listen to find out more!
For questions/inquiries/coaching:
The Happy Married Family Online Shop:

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