Reconnected Marriage Partners | Communicate Effectively, Sexual Intimacy, Expectations, Quality Time, Resolving Conflicts
Are you feeling distant from your spouse while living under the same roof? Frustrated about the increasing misunderstandings or tension in your marriage? Do you have a longing desire to feel heard & understood but can’t seem to get through to your spouse? Wish you spent more time connecting with your spouse instead of engaging in arguments that drain your energy? If you can relate, you’re not alone. Building a thriving marriage in these modern times takes hard work. When you add the responsibilities and demands of a growing career, family life, and the other stressors & unexpected challenges that sometimes show up, it can seem almost impossible…but it doesn’t have to be! Hi, we are David and Ebun, son and daughter of the King, a married couple who are still best friends, and parents of three. After being married for over a decade —while also navigating 3 major family relocations, job losses, financial challenges & major health challenges along the way— we know first-hand some of the challenges couples face in our modern world. We know what it’s like to feel disconnected as a couple while juggling the demands of work, life, and parenthood because we’ve been there. We also know what it feels like to become more intentional in our marriage and achieve a deeper level of connection & intimacy in a long-term marital relationship. Yet, through it all, we’ve not only grown stronger as a couple but also as individuals. How did we get here? Get ready to find out because we can’t wait to share what we’ve learned, unlearned, relearned and continue to learn on this journey. Welcome to the Reconnected Marriage Partners Podcast! In this podcast, you will find practical strategies to help you improve communication with your spouse, express your needs clearly, resolve conflicts without fighting, and manage disagreements in more productive ways so you can deepen your connection & understanding of each other, work smarter as a team and feel valued in your relationship. You’ll discover actionable tips & simple systems to help you spend more quality time together while living in a busy & distracted world so you can continue to strengthen your bond, increase intimacy and stay connected over the years. You will also find life-changing biblical encouragement & inspiration on how to live more intentionally and rise up courageously in your life & marriage while keeping God at the Center. If you’re tired of growing apart and ready to grow closer as a couple while experiencing more peace, harmony & unity in your home, then you’ve come to the right place! We invite you to join us on this journey, get ready to be inspired and gain valuable marital tips along the way as you take the next courageous step in building the stronger marriage you truly desire! .....................………………………………………......................... ➡️ Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call! 📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, notifications about special offers & giveaways right in your inbox... ❓For other questions/inquiries: [Disclaimer: The content presented in this podcast is provided solely for educational purposes and should be considered as general information. It is not intended to serve as therapy, psychological advice or professional medical care. We strongly recommend consulting your physician or mental health provider for personalized advice, support, or treatment concerning your well-being. In the event of a crisis, please dial 911 for immediate assistance].
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Hi friend!
What do you do when you have different needs in marriage simultaneously? For example, when your spouse wants to engage in a deep conversation with you and you want to have sex...both happening around the same time. How can we navigate this scenario especially when the end goal is to build connection and improve intimacy in marriage?
If this sounds like something you've experienced, you're not alone. We've been there too. In this episode, you will learn about our experience and what we did when faced with a similar situation...and be prepared to also grab some valuable marital tips along the way!
Alright, tune in to listen to find out more!
Related episodes:
EP 62 \\ Want to have more marriage sex after kids? These 5 tips could help!
EP 42 \\ HELP! We Talk to Each Other But are Feeling Disconnected in Marriage. Start this Non-Sexual Couple Ritual, Grow Closer to Your Spouse & Build More Intimacy...Even as Parents!
📆 Want to work with us?
15 mins Free Consultation: Questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, early access to special offers & giveaways right in your inbox...
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Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Hi friend,Have you ever wondered or been curious about how to improve communication in your marriage? If so, you're not alone.
One of the ways we have strengthened our marriage and grown together as a team has involved communicating better with each other. The way we communicate or the manner in which we communicate with our spouses can either strengthen or weaken our connection in marriage or even result in the escalation of conflicts. Communication is such a broad topic to discuss in one episode but today I will be sharing 3 communication blunders or mistakes to avoid for a stronger connection with your spouse. When these communication blunders are made from time to time, it becomes harder for spouses to connect with each other. This can eventually result in creating distance between spouses.
If your desire is to communicate to connect better with your spouse, then get ready to discover these three communication mistakes to avoid so you can begin to prevent conflicts from escalating and also enjoy a stronger bond & connection in marriage.
Tune in to listen to find out more!
📆 Want to work with us?
15 mins Free Consultation: Questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, early access to special offers & giveaways right in your inbox...
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Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Hi friend!
It is no longer news that building a thriving marriage takes hard work. When we think about investing in our marriages, what often comes to mind are actionable tips to deepen connection, grow stronger in marriage and stay connected as a couple.
But over the years, we’ve realized that sometimes, in order to achieve the deeper connection and intimacy we desire in our marriages, we need to stop doing certain things and one of them will be the topic of discussion today.
Want to know more?
Alright, tune in to listen to find out more!
📆 Want to work with us?
15 mins Free Consultation: Questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, early access to special offers & giveaways right in your inbox...
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Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Hi friend!
We live in a global village. We don’t have to live in the same neighborhood to know about the life of another person living in another neighborhood on another continent.
Enter the world of technology & the internet. A world where you see beautiful pictures and videos of couples and individuals... Depending on the current state of your marriage, subconsciously you may find yourself comparing your spouse or marriage to another person’s spouse or marriage.
Then, the "Comparison Trap"...Comparisonitis sets in...
"If only my spouse were like this person or that person's spouse..."
In this episode (part 2 of this episode series), you will discover how to stop comparisonitis from hurting your relationship with your spouse so you can enjoy a more connected marriage.
We pray this episode blesses you.
Alright, tune in and let's dig in:)
📆 Want to work with us?
15 mins Free Consultation: Questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, early access to special offers & giveaways right in your inbox...
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Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Hi friend!
We live in a global village. We don’t have to live in the same neighborhood to know about the life of another person living in another neighborhood on another continent.
Enter the world of technology & the internet. A world where you see beautiful pictures and videos of couples and individuals... Depending on the current state of your marriage, subconsciously you may find yourself comparing your spouse or marriage to another person’s spouse or marriage or even your parents (mum or dad).
Then, the "Comparison Trap"...Comparisonitis sets in...
"If only my spouse were like this person or that person's spouse..."
In this episode, you will discover what comparisonitis entails and why you should stop engaging in comparisonitis, including its possible effects on your marriage.
We pray this episode blesses you.
Alright, tune in and let's dig in:)
📆 Want to work with us?
15 mins Free Consultation: Questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to schedule a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
📩 Become an Insider: Receive weekly podcast updates, marital tips, early access to special offers & giveaways right in your inbox...
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Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Hi friend!
We often hear that it takes two committed individuals to make a marriage work but what if we told you that it takes one courageous spouse willing to make the move towards progress to begin this process. Being a courageous spouse means choosing to partner with God and making courageous moves needed for a more loving & connected marriage…even if your spouse is not currently on board!
As individuals who have had to be courageous spouses at different points during our marital journey, we have seen positive results in our marriage as it continues to grow stronger over time. So, if your desire is to have a more connected marriage and you’re wondering how to move forward or make progress in your marriage even if your spouse is not currently showing up on their end, then, this episode is for you. In this episode, you will discover 3 reasons why you should not wait for your spouse to get on board before working on your marriage…or investing in your marriage and steps you can begin to take towards building the strong and connected marriage you truly desire.
We pray this blesses you:)
Want to work with us?
15mins Free Consultation: Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to book a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Hi friend!
In the early years of marriage, engaging in meaningful conversations with our spouses boosts connection and draws us closer to each other. Over the years, these conversations can begin to fade, especially when most of our communication become centered around the running of the household, activities the kids have to attend and other functional aspects of the relationship. For a deeper connection and intimacy in marriage, it is important to continue to engage in meaningful conversations as a couple, that is, conversations that go deeper. Maybe you truly desire to have deep and meaningful conversations with your spouse but it seems like you're miles apart when you talk or communicate with each other. If you can relate to this, you’re not alone. This is why in this episode, we will be addressing 5 possible reasons why your spouse may be avoiding having meaningful conversations with you and what to do about them.
So, get ready..set...tune in to listen to find out more!
We pray this episode blesses you:)
Want to work with us?
15 mins Free Consultation: Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to book a 15 mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Hi friend!
Have you ever been stressed, struggled to concentrate… been less patient with your spouse and your kids? Are you feeling tense, frustrated, and upset at things that would normally not make you feel upset? Then, you may need a particular kind of care: Self-Care.
As a couple, and especially parents living abroad, when our schedules are filled up with activities or things to do, the to-do-list continues to increase and there seems to be so much demand for our time and attention, especially in these modern times…with all of these going on, it is so easy to forget to do something: to take care of yourself. But what can happen when this is ignored?
In this episode, you will discover the importance of self-care in building a connected marriage and peaceful home; how engaging in a simple self-care routine can benefit your marriage even if you’re busy parents, and some practical tips for starting a simple self-care routine that works for you during this season of your life.
We pray this episode blesses you.
Links mentioned in this episode
Importance of Self-Care by the Canadian Mental Health Association
Self-Care: Why Is It So Important? Why Is It So Hard? by Psych Central
**Anniversary Giveaway**
Book a FREE Communicate to Connect Coaching 1hr Session by clicking here ( 5 spots available for 5 spouses and couples until July 27). (For more information about the Anniversary Giveaway, listen to EP 112 \\ How You Can Invest in Yourself To Significantly Impact Your Marriage & Life (Anniversary Giveaway Inside!)
Want to work with us?
Free Discovery Call: Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to book a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Hi friend!
Does this sound familiar? You don’t like sweeping things under the carpet. This means that when an issue arises in your marriage, you like to resolve it and settle the issue as quickly as possible. However, you've noticed that when you try to express yourself or communicate your thoughts to your spouse, it seems like your spouse does not get you or reacts differently from what you expect or even gets upset in the process. You really want to settle this issue but you don’t want to sweep things under the carpet. If so, you are not alone. In this episode, we will be answering the question “Is it wrong to express myself or communicate my thoughts to my spouse?” as well as addressing reasons why your spouse may be struggling to get you or is being defensive or responding in anger when you are trying to communicate with them and also, what to do instead.
Curious to discover more?
Alright tune in to listen to find out more!
We pray this episode blesses you.
**Anniversary Giveaway**
Book a FREE Communicate to Connect Coaching 1hr Session by clicking here ( 5 spots available for 5 spouses and couples until July 27). (For more information about the Anniversary Giveaway, listen to EP 112 \\ How You Can Invest in Yourself To Significantly Impact Your Marriage & Life (Anniversary Giveaway Inside!)
Want to work with us?
Free Discovery Call: Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to book a 15mins free discovery call!
Want customized practical strategies tailored to your marriage so you can grow closer as a less time? Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
Hi friend!
**Anniversary Giveaway sign up details below**
Guess what! It is our 14th year wedding anniversary week and we are so glad for how far God has seen us through on this journey. You see…to be honest, it has not been all rosy. We’ve faced challenges and transitions over the course of the years and we are happy that we are still here together…and together, we’ve grown as a stronger team. So, in this episode, we will be sharing our personal experience and part of our marriage story as we discuss how we can invest in ourselves to significantly & positively impact us as individuals as well as our marriages. There is also an anniversary giveaway waiting for you:) (pls see below for the link to participate)!
Alright, tune in to listen to find out more!
We pray this episode blesses you.
**Anniversary Giveaway**
Book a FREE Communicate to Connect Coaching 1hr Session by clicking here ( 5 spots available for 5 spouses and couples until July 27).
Want to work with us?
Free Discovery Call: Have questions about coaching? Pls send a quick email to to book a 15mins free discovery call!
Book a Communicate to Connect Coaching Session